Susurro de identidad
Art Essai film, HD, VO Spanish, sbt. French, 4 min, Montreal
Contribution to the collective TANGO POUR L'IDENTITÉ in support of the cause of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo.
Marro, a friend of mine, told me five years ago, precisely in May 2018, that the remains of her brother Guillermo White, who by then had become my brother too, were found and identified by the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, after 41 years of searching.
Passing out of breath.
Explode with the desire to be close to my friends, children and grandchildren to breathe the relief and horror in the same embrace.
I could not from here where I live now.
Her mother, María Rosa Saint Girons de White, a tremendous inspiration in my life, led the mobilisation of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, with whom she fought for twenty-five years; but who died, like her husband, before the remains of her son Guille had been found. He disappeared in Rosario, at the age of 25. It was February 1977.
So this is a tribute to Argentina, where I was born, from Montreal, where I live, places that are always home, and sometimes are not.

Director, editor, writer,
voice, image, sound, inks
post prodroduction
The body is a house without grand-parents
Jose Maria Gianelli
Luca Molina
laura bari
maïa bonpunt